Osteopathy, created by Andrew Taylor Still in 1874, is a gentle care approach that aims for your well-being as a whole. It addresses imbalances at their source, enhancing mobility and harmonizing your body, from the skeletal structure to the organs, along with your emotional state, your lifestyle, and your environment. This holistic practice naturally promotes a return to balance while respecting your body.

What is osteopathy?


Structural : precise adjustments to realign your body, relieve pain, and improve your mobility for better physical health.

Tissular : a gentle approach to release muscle and fascia tension through stretching, unwinding and targeted pressure, enhancing your flexibility and soothing your mind. More than just physical relief, it’s a gateway to emotional well-being.

 : a gentle approach to stimulate circulation, improve organ function, promote digestion, and increase energy levels.

 : a gentle and subtle touch to release tensions in the nervous system and harmonize the natural rhythm of your skull and brain, perceptible throughout the body ; promoting deep relaxation, reducing stress, improving mental clarity, and inner peace.

Osteopathic techniques

Personalized care

  • Persistent or chronic pain
  • Digestion
  • Respiration
  • Stress, anxiety, sleep
  • Prenatal and postnatal care
  • Baby care
  • Women’s health
  • And many others!

How I Can Help You


Natural : non-invasive, it stimulates the body's self-healing abilities and the natural balance of the body.

Deep relief : it addresses the root of the problem, beyond the symptoms, for lasting comfort.

Tension release : it promotes flexibility and a reduction of pain.

Functional improvement : it stimulates circulation, improves digestion and respiration, for a vitality boost.

The Benefits of Osteopathy

Harmony and vitality

Awareness and posture : it increases body awareness and improves your posture.

Stress reduction : it calms your nervous system, reduces stress, and promotes restorative sleep.

Return to activities : it helps you regain physical fitness to do what you love.

Regained dynamism : it improves circulation and energy flow to revitalize your overall well-being.

Although osteopathy offers valuable support, it is not a substitute for traditional medical care. In case of acute pain, the need for diagnosis, or any other medical concern, please prioritize consulting your primary care physician.

Every body has a unique story, my hands are listening to yours.

Ready to spread your wings?

Listen to your body